
Following the experiences of Hunter College interns.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Most important thing? Ask Questions!

As the semester is wrapping up, with it, so is my internship experience. These past few months flew by so fast. At the discretion of my supervisor, there is a possibility of continuing my internship; but all the details still need to be worked out. Throughout these few months, I feel like I have learned a lot; and I mean a lot.

First of all, I learned to ask questions. Before starting the internship, I was very hesitant to ask questions. I was one of those people that can, or at least think they can, figure things out on their own. However, during my internship I had stumbled upon a number of problems, or just tasks, that I had a difficult time tackling. I would literally spend hours trying to figure them out on my own, which seemed to have me stuck in neutral, neither moving forward, nor backward. Looking back at it, I feel like there was some time wasted because of that - time which could have been used much more efficiently.

Although I liked my internship and all the experience that I have gained; I am not too sure if this is the career path I’d like to pursue. At this point in time, I feel like my interests are leaning more towards developing programs which would prevent poverty, rather than evaluating them. Don’t get me wrong, evaluating is fun, but I feel like there is much more to be done on the development side of the programs. I extremely value everything that I have learned during my adventure with HRA and I would definitely be thrilled to remain there for a bit longer and maybe take on more than one project.

I feel like I did everything I could to make the best impression. My first and foremost advice for every other intern is “ask questions!” There is a lot of things you still might need to learn, and as good as trying to figure them out on your own is, if you hit a brick wall ask someone to help you get on the other side of it. There will always be someone willing to help :).

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